Publications d’organisations européennes et internationales
Lessons Learned Bulletins
Ces publications sont rédigées par le MAHB (Major Accident Hazards Bureau), sur base d’accidents majeurs rapportés dans la base de données européenne MARS (Major Accident Reporting System).
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 1: Accidents involving Hydrogen (PDF, 513 Ko)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 2: Major accidents involving contractors (PDF, 1.4 Mo)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 3: Major accidents having significant impact to the environment (PDF, 1.1 Mo)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 4: Corrosion-related accidents in petroleum oil refineries (PDF, 1018.26 Ko)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 5: Major accidents involving fertilizers (PDF, 1.29 Mo)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 6: Natech accidents (PDF, 1.33 Mo)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 7: Major accidents related to ageing (PDF, 1.12 Mo)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 8: Major accidents involving explosives (PDF, 673.09 Ko)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 9: Major accidents caused by runaway reactions (PDF, 1.34 Mo)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 10: Learning from emergency response – evacuation and sheltering (PDF, 794.2 Ko)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 11: Learning from emergency response – firefighter preparedness and protection (PDF, 1.26 Mo)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 12: Learning from emergency response - failures and successes (PDF, 1.18 Mo)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 13: Learning from incidents involving liquefied natural gas (LNG) on fixed sites (PDF, 1.16 Mo)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 14: Learning from incidents involving liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (PDF, 1.69 Mo)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 15: Learning from incidents involving power supply failures (PDF, 1.51 Mo)
- Lessons Learned Bulleting Special Issue: Pandemic measures and chemical process safety (PDF, 358 Ko)
- Lessons Learned Bulleting Special Issue: Risk of oxygen-related fires in hospitals treating Covid-19 patients (PDF, 741.33 Ko)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 16: Learning from incidents in warehouses (PDF, 1.53 Mo)
- Lessons Learned Bulletin N° 17: Learning from accidents in waste management facilities (PDF, 1.17 Mo)
Ces publications sont également mises à disposition via le site web du MAHB:
Common Inspection Criteria
Les documents dans la série ‘Common Inspection Criteria’ sont rédigés par un groupe de travail technique des inspecteurs Seveso européens. Chaque document est consacré à un thème spécifique qui peut être abordé pendant une inspection Seveso. Pour chaque thème, sont mentionnés une série de critères auxquels les inspecteurs s’attendent à avoir satisfaction et qui peuvent servir de références lors des inspections.
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 1: Safety Instrumented Functions (PDF, 428.48 Ko)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 2: The Permit-to-work System (PDF, 1.25 Mo)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 3: Internal Auditing Procedures (PDF, 1010.98 Ko)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 4: Process Hazard Analysis (PDF, 3.7 Mo)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 5: Management of Change (PDF, 308.04 Ko)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 6: Emergency Isolation Systems (PDF, 246.59 Ko)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 7: Process Safety Performance Monitoring (PDF, 298.17 Ko)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 8: Pressure Relief Systems (PDF, 392.65 Ko)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 9: Maintenance of Primary Containment Systems (PDF, 536.35 Ko)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 10: Natech Risk Management (PDF, 3.24 Mo)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 11: Training of Personnel (PDF, 724.42 Ko)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 12: Internal Emergency Planning (PDF, 759.73 Ko)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 13: Management of Contractors (PDF, 1020.77 Ko)
- Common Inspection Criteria N° 14: Avoiding Ignition Sources (PDF, 1.14 Mo)
Ces publications sont également mises à disposition via le site web du MAHB: